Qui sommes nous ?

Busara Dance Company was founded in August 2009 in Goma North Kivu/Eastern DR Congo, by dancers and choreographers Chito, Chikuru Lwambo and Justin Kabika.

Its creation is based on six years of experience as cultural facilitators in the cultural arts centre yolé! Africa and as dancers in its company Y! Dance, as well as supporting Hip-Hop dancers in Goma. Since 2005, the Lwambo brothers have developed excellent skills and expertise in contemporary dance and choreography through collaboration with various artists, participation in trainings and performance; and by seeking to change their social environment.

The company focuses its work on artistic creation, anti-trauma and social work. It initiates, spearheads and implements cultural projects, while maintaining a contemporary approach to traditional movement. Trying to reach a wide audience, the company aspires to reach different audiences to meet, to exchange and share within the overlapping fields of traditional and contemporary cultures.

The company is an artistic structure with the founding mission of serving the local communities in the Great Lakes Region. It strives to seek peace among the youth in local communities with the use of innovative approaches of social dialogue by using dance as a form of art against the social trauma that haunts this region shaken by conflict and war for so long.

Finally, the company is characterized by the contact with local communities; and the desire to meet others, sharing forms and styles, and finding inspiration in different cultures.

Sep 20, 2011


Ignoring the importance of their education, their development, people get carried away by this scourge that kills development: corruption now called "motivation" in some countries.

The story revolves around the nicknamed "NGWANZU" which is a telephone with several options including: MP4, Bluetooth and other ... this phone has become a source of failure of some students who are physically in the classroom but the spirit is entirely concentrated in some of the phone’s options.

And by then, those students who favored the “Ngwanzu” are in dissatisfaction and want facility without work or make an effort they use corruption, epidemic that plagues our countries.Ps: this is not just for students...

Chek on me